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Sing for a living

Using natural talents

Singing is one of the career choices that is known to cause many disagreements between parents and children.

It is often regarded as a hobby, an activity that should be engaged in during free time.

However, many people have been able to build very successful careers with their talent and passion for singing.

Solomon “dala-sol” Nkabinde (25) from Tornado KwaThema is the lead vocalist in his band, Dictonicfamily live music.

He says he began singing in primary school, and has turned it into a career earning his living through music.

Solomon says, to be a singer, a person needs to be dedicated and disciplined.

“You need to connect to the audience by touching on real life situations, while having fun singing,” he adds.

Solomon advises that after discovering your singing talent and wanting to pursue a career in music, the next step to consider is applying for a singing course, to polish your talent and learn more about the craft.

“Getting practical singing experience and connecting with other musicians helps with exposure, which leads to more gigs and your name gets around and attracts more growth to your career,” adds Solomon.

He says the constant challenges that face singers is the need to create a positive image about yourself in order to draw people to your work, constantly check with your voice, and being compared to the next singer.

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