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UPDATED: Father slits wrists with razor

The man accused of abusing his family has slit his wrists.

The man who was denied bail in the Springs Regional Court this morning, is being attended to at Far East Rand Hospital after he slit his wrists.

The man was in the holding cells at the court, awaiting transport to Modderbee Prison where he will be held until his trial begins on June 12, when he attempted to end his life.

Biko Zondo, senior prosecutor, says Modderbee prison allegedly issues razers and blades to prisoners to enable them to shave.

The man allegedly had the blade in his pocket when he left prison this morning.

Zondo adds it is possible that he planned to commit suicide with the blade issued by the prison.

The man arrived at Far East Rand Hospital by ambulance at 11.45am today.

Hendrik Buda, FERH spokesman, says the patient is being attended to by medical staff.

“The patient is surrounded by about eight policeman so no one is able to get near him.

“The seriousness of his injury is not yet known,” Buda said.

According to Captain Johannes Ramphora, Springs police spokesman, the man is still at FERH.

He was at his wits when he arrived at the hospital.

X-rays or scans needs to be taken of his wrists to see if any damage was done to the muscles and nerves.

After receiving treatment at FERH, he is back at Modderbee Prison.

The Addie will keep you up to date as information becomes available.


It was his fourth appearance in the Springs Regional Court this morning (June 5).

Magistrate Roy le Roux denied the man bail and the case was postponed for the start of the trial on June 12.

The charges against him are child abuse, assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, defeating the ends of justice, attempted murder and rape.

While the charges were not read to him and he was not asked to plead, reading the accused’s affidavit, le Roux noted that he plans to plead not guilty to all charges.

During the bail application, the accused asked for legal aid to represent him at his next court appearance.Commenting on the murder charge, le Roux’s said: “I foresee the possibility the child could have died”.

His finding was as a result of Brigadier Doctor Gerard Labuschagne’s expert opinion and information contained in the medical reports.

“Because of these reports and the psychologists expert opinion the state has a strong case,” he said.

The accused was being remanded in custody at Modderbee Prison and will appear in court again on June 12.



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  1. Laat die vark sit plaas hy eerder sy sy size aan vat en die kind uitgelos het,maar die hond wou seker af show so hoop hy sit vie ewig en gooi die sleutel weg hoop die mense in die tronk sorteer jou mooi uit!!!!!

  2. This man does not derseve bail.if he get bail he will kill his familys & himself

  3. Laat so vark in bikers klere staan en suip plaas hy eerder sy familie ondersteun het soos n normale wit man sou doenn maar nee verraai eerder die mees belangrike vriende en doen die teenoorgestelde hoop sy vrou kry net soveel opdraandes want sy kon opgekom het vir haar kinders as sy n ma vir haar kinders ooit kon wees SLUIT DIE VARKE TOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. It is very sad to read this story that a father who abused his family tried to commit suicide.
    I think this man is suffering a lot of psychological trauma, and needs to be highly guarded.
    As a society, we need to give authorities a chance to dig deeper to find out what causes this man to behave so strange, before we can comment further about abuses.
    There might be other reasons unknown to public, that prompted him to abuse his family.

  5. Let’s all stop blaming the mother. If you saw how huge is this monster, what would a tiny woman like that do to defend her children against that guy. If she is also involved in the abuse, the SAPS will investigate the case and the truth will come out. This guy wanted to kill himself because he knows what’s going to happen to him in prison, how they give special treatment to people like him. He is no human, he is the DEVIL himself. Its now time for each community member to join hands and fight this crime in our country. Let’s stop pointing fingers at one another stand up and make a change. All those monsters won’t get too far they will come out one by one. Two monsters are out already within a month Springs and Alexandra. Our GOD is great we can fight this together.

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