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Four-legged visitor

I’m thinking that somebody needs to call the SPCA or something.

That wretched mom has been neglecting her precious doglet a bit too much lately.

You’d think, after being in jail for a whole lot of days, that much love and attention should be lavished upon my furry bod – wouldn’t you?

Instead she does some disappearing acts again.

The first day was fine. Parked off in the sun and checked out the world.

Second day was not such fun. In fact it was downright barking boring. I customised some of the stuff that she had stashed in her office.

Then there was a weekend. We did our usual walk thing – nothing exciting.

Along came Sunday afternoon… Alpha asked me if I would like to accompany them.

Stupid question. Leapt into the car, and then watched anxiously when he loaded in a wheelie box.

Oh oh – where’s he off to now?

But it turns out that Mom was the one deserting me. She must have sneakily packed her stuff when I was not looking.

Then… Alpha just allowed mom to climb into somebody else’s car and drive away.

Looked at him. Oi! What’s this? Who’s going to feed me and talk to me?

Just to test how obedient he was I woke up nice and early on Monday morning and politely requested a widdle opportunity.

Alpha obliged and stumbled down the stairs to open the door.

On our way back to the bedroom we spotted an apparition.

A large black cat was curled up on the spare room bed.

Figured I was still dreaming. We don’t have a cat and when we did, it was not black.

Next morning the creature was still there – snoring away on the pillow. Alpha chickened out and went off to work without disturbing it.

I figured it was a tad cheeky sleeping on my bed – so chased him under it.

When Alpha got home he found a note under the door. A large black and white cat was missing. There was a number to call. Did not take us long to discover the cat parked off under the couch on the balcony.

Alpha called the number and the lady came to fetch her moggy. They’d just moved into the complex. The lady was chuffed to have her cat back.

Just as well mom was not here – she’d have wanted to keep it.

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