
Firearm seized by cops

After a car was stopped by Springs police during a routine check today (Monday), a man was arrested for possession of an unlicensed firearm.

The police stopped a vehicle with three occupants in Fifth Avenue, Springs at 12.30pm, during a routine check.

The three occupants got out of the vehicle and the police searched the vehicle but did not find anything out of the ordinary.

“But it was when they searched the three men, that they found an unlicensed firearm in the waistband of one of the men’s pants,” says Captain Johannes Ramphora, Springs police spokesman.

The police seized the firearm and five 9mm rounds and arrested the man.

Ramphora says the three men appears to be from Soweto and they did not comment what why were doing in Springs.

The arrested man is currently in the Springs police holding cells, while the police will take fingerprints to further their investigation.


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