
Vehicle set alight

A vehicle was set alight by hijackers in Eastvale with the driver tied up inside.

According to Springs police spokesman Captain Johannes Ramphora, the police were called out to the scene on Wednesday (October 30) at 11:30am, and when they arrived the man was already freed from the vehicle.

“It is unknown how he got out of the vehicle, but he was treated for burn wounds by the paramedics on the scene and taken to Parkland Clinic,” says Capt Ramphora.

It is alleged that the vehicle was hijacked at the Dersley Shopping Centre and the driver was forced to drive with the hijackers to Eastvale.
Capt Ramphora adds the robbers fled with cash and cigarettes.

No arrests have been made.

Anyone with information can contact the Springs police on 011 365 5700/19 or Captain Johannes Ramphora on 079 694 6936.

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