
Sad but binding read

Book: Walk Me Home Author: Catherine Ryan Hyde Reviewed by: Anna Robertson Review made possible by: Random House Struik Rating: A journey of pain and love

After their mother died, all the two sisters Carly and Jen have is each other.

Carly, as the oldest, is left in charge and although she knows they need help, she is terrified of her sister being taken away from her.

Therefore they start the long walk to find their way back to the last person she knew she could trust – their stepfather.

But Jen holds a secret about him, which will put them both at far more risk than they could imagine.

Their journey, across hundreds of miles, is not an easy one and they are confronted, not only by dangers, but also by the unexpected kindness of strangers.

Although the two sisters become separated, the truth will finally prevail and will bring them back together, with the new relationships they have formed on their journey holding the potential to change everything for them.

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