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Career expo leaves learners excited for the future

The learners were in high spirits and excited to learn about their prospects after school.

Carnival City held their annual career expo for matriculants from selected schools last Wednesday in the Rio Rooms.

Three-hundred-and-sixty Grade 12 learners received motivational talks and found out from exhibitors about options after school.

Learners from the schools that attended were Brakpan High, Dalpark Secondary, Nigel Secondary, Tlakula Secondary, Geluksdal and NN Ndebele Secondary.

Carnival City’s general manager Bryan O’Connor addressed them, as well as Goodwill Ndou, a spokesperson for the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA); the South African Responsible Gambling Foundation; and Lerato Masite, an attorney.

“Events like this mean a lot. It is important to learn about our career prospects,” said Sandile Mthimunye from Tlakula Secondary School.

The event, sponsored by Carnival City, Sci-Com, and the Gauteng Gambling Board (GGB), helped learners explore different career choices.

“Sun International has a huge focus on job creation, with Carnival City alone providing over 800 jobs,” O’Connor explained to the learners.

O’Connor said because he didn’t know what to do after school, he started working as a cashier, where he realised he loved working with people.

“I went to hotel school, then started with Sun International in 2003, where I grew, studied, developed myself and used opportunities provided by the company to progress. I opened four casinos for Sun International before making my way to Carnival City,” he explained.

William Maphutha represented the Gauteng Gambling Board at the event, which is one of the sponsors.

NYDA provided information about the entrepreneurial grants it provides for youth who want to start a business.

After a message about responsible gambling, the learners played a quick game of 30 seconds, where learner representatives from each school received a name and had to describe the person for their school to guess.

After this, Masite addressed the learners. She first had the learners recite positive affirmations, telling them to say these to themselves each morning before school to build confidence.

She then shared her five guidelines to success, which are to believe in yourself; have the right friends; grab every opportunity that comes your way; be prepared for hardships; and be authentic.

“Show up daily with a smile, even when struggling, and be yourself. Remember, an original is worth more than a copy,” she explained.

“To the ladies, you are high value and more precious than rubies. No is a full sentence. You have the capability for change to say no to the things that do not serve you.

“To the gentlemen, society places a lot of pressure on you. ‘Boys don’t cry’ is toxic. If you feel the need to cry or show emotions, do so. Don’t compare yourself to other men.

“Good habits you formed in youth make all the difference, and you are the difference,” she concluded.

After the guest speakers addressed the learners, they moved to the next hall to view the exhibits by various organisations, tertiary education institutions, and government agencies.

Among them was the Gauteng Gambling Board, who helped sponsor the event, and their representative William Maphutha.

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“It is important to us to give back to the community, and encourage the youth to take care of themselves and learn about the opportunities out there for them,“ he explained.

“The GGB issues bursaries and internships to help the youth secure employment, and in the last financial year, we employed 50 graduate interns to give them work experience.

“We also wanted to use this opportunity to discourage the youth from gambling, which they often regard as making a quick buck,” he concluded.

Other exhibitors included Gauteng departments of economic development, tourism, consumer affairs, the liquor board; NYDA, International Hotel School, Ekurhuleni East and West Colleges, SAPS, various private universities and colleges, and group exhibitors for the fields of animation, psychology and entertainment.

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