
Shark cage diving insights

Shark cage diving is often not understood by many people with some questioning the safety of this adventure activity. This is what you need to know.

Jumping into a cage to dive with great white sharks in Cape Town sounds like a daunting experience. This article explores  how these shark cages are designed and made.

Floating versus submersible
There are the two-standard types of shark cages, the first is the floating cage, and the second is the submersible shark cage. The submersible is just that – it sits completely submerged underwater and can reach a depth of 30 feet. The floating cage sits on the surface of the water while attached to the boat. For the submersible cage, you will need to be a certificated scuba diver and for the floating cage, you will use a snorkel, or the breath hold method. Operators with shark cage diving in Cape Town only use the floating cage due to the water visibility.

When designing these cages, the safety of the sharks and divers are top of mind. The floating cage is typically rectangular shaped with a lid on the top. There are bars on the bottom of the cage and on all sides, including the lid. These cages have floating devices attached. Submersible cages have a ladder for easy entry and exit from the cage. Some submersible cages also include multiple doors on the side of the cage that can serve as “emergency exits”.

Inside the cage, you will find wrap around handrails so that you don’t have to touch the outside bars of the cage. Although these cages are strong, they are built to ensure that divers and sharks do not get injured.

Once the boat anchors, experienced and trained crew members lower the cage into the water and secure it using thick ropes before the divers enter. Submersible cages are lowered by chains that are mechanically controlled by the skipper using advanced technology.

The salt water of the ocean has no mercy when it comes to corrosion. The cages used in shark cage diving are commonly either made from Steel or Aluminium. Both metals are strong, and each have their own advantages. At Apex Shark Expeditions, their cage is made of galvanised steel. Steel is known to be strong and incredibly durable, not to mention being environmentally friendly. Galvanised steel is a thick type of coating that protects the steel against rust. Aluminium on its own, is durable against rust and lighter than steel. For this reason, submersible cages are normally made of Aluminium.

Shark cage diving tour operators in Cape Town and globally are heavily regulated and are required to ensure that their boats and cages meet a strict criterion. In South Africa, the Department of Fisheries, Forestry, and the Environment regulates operators. In Australia, the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources regulates and monitors operators.

Now that you know how these cages are made, you can be rest assured that you will be safe and in excellently designed cages. If you are still feeling hesitant, all shark cage diving companies offer boat-based viewing. There really is no need to get wet!

C’mon down and see for yourself.

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