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Club serves ace to players who shine

Selection Park Tennis Club is stepping up its efforts to groom young talent.

The Selection Park Tennis Club recently hosted a prize-giving to honour its excelling members. Over the past few years, the club put much effort into developing young players and it seems to be paying off.

Their A team comprised young players who won the Gauteng East League in the year’s first quarter.

The team is Danielle Chapman, Justin Chapman, Pieter Stoltz (captain), Logan Stoltz and Mieke de Lange.

In their club champs, the young stars again brought their A-game. Chapman won the Ladies’ Doubles with De Lange and the Mixed Doubles with Pieter Stoltz.

Bryan Wiggill won the Men’s Singles and was runner-up in the Men’s Doubles with his father, Scott Wiggill.

The Men’s Doubles champions were Eben Mare and Byron de la Mare. The club invited the youth to take advantage of the newly renovated facilities.

The courts are open to non-members for a fee, and their coaches are eager to help develop talent.

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