
Bogus police officer arrested in the CBD

At the time of his arrest, the man was found with a 9mm pistol and magazine with no rounds in it.

A man impersonating a police officer was arrested on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Fourth Street last Thursday afternoon.
Springs police spokesperson Capt Johanne Ramphora said members from Springs were patrolling the CBD when they noticed a man wearing a police uniform without a name tag.
When they stopped to question the man, he drew his gun and cocked it.
The police jumped out of their car for cover and approached the suspect before arresting him.

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When they searched him, they found cable ties and a 9mm pistol and magazine with no rounds in it.
Further investigation revealed the man was not a police officer and resides in Mamelodi.
A case of impersonating a police officer, possession of an unlicensed firearm and pointing of a firearm was opened against the man.
The station commander of Springs SAPS, Brig Thembeka Gwebushe, applauded the members’ swift actions in arresting the man before he could commit a crime and dent the image of the SAPS.

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