Nurse talks about safe abortion

“While working in the Emergency Ward, we received a 17-year-old patient who underwent an illegal abortion that went terribly wrong and she had to be rushed to hospital."

Tsakani – The term “abortion” has a negative connotation attached to it, which is often derived from religious and traditional beliefs people hold. Those who use these services for different reasons are shamed and, as a result, many young women end up seeking the services of illegal backstreet abortion clinics to get rid of their unwanted pregnancies. In the process, they put their lives, health and abilities to give birth in future on the line. This week, African Reporter interviewed a professional nurse working in the Termination of Pregnancy (TOP) Department at Pholosong Hospital, Sr Zanele Mashichicila. According to the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1996 (Act No. 92 of 1996), the procedure can be carried out on a patient from 12 years of age. This is regardless of the legal facilities which offer free and safe procedures.

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In Ekurhuleni, Pholosong Hospital is one of seven facilities that offers free and safe medical procedures within the first trimester of pregnancy. Mashichicila grabbed the opportunity to work in the TOP Department a month after qualifying as a medical nurse over two decades ago. “While working in the Emergency Ward, we received a 17-year-old patient who underwent an illegal abortion that went terribly wrong and she had to be rushed to hospital. “She was in a terrible condition and we all feared for the worst. Fortunately, the doctors saved her life but she lost her uterus. “For months, we would receive young patients in the same situation. This became a thorn in my career because women opted to use the services of these bogus surgery practices. “There were also days where we would receive newborn babies who were found dumped. “I could not understand why women would opt to take those routes when government has put safer options in place. “I decided to offer myself and skills to educate women about the importance of using contraceptives, safe abortions, abstinence and adoption. “The aim was to make the clinic more attractive and user-friendly for women,” she said. Mashichicila explained patients from 12 years old do not need consent from their parents or legal guardians to seek these services. “The procedure is offered from the first week to the 12th week of pregnancy. “From the 13th to the 20th week an abortion is carried out only for serious medical reasons with the advice of a medical doctor.

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“Before the patient undergoes the medical procedure they go through free counselling where we make sure they understand the risks and other available alternative options they can explore besides termination, like adoption. “If there is a need, we also include the services of a social worker. “Not all the patients who come to the hospital seeking these services end up going through with it. “In September, I saw 113 women but only 62 of them went through with it. “During the one-on-one counselling, we educate women about the importance of using contraceptives and practising safe sex,” said Mashichicila. Follow us on:   

Xoliswa Kali

As a journalist at Caxton Community Newspapers, I produce engaging and informative content for various online platforms, covering topics such as sports, politics, entertainment, and lifestyle. I use my skills in web editing, social media management, and Google analytics to optimise the reach and impact of my articles.

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