
Michael Nau album review

Some Twist feels like an effortless achievement.


Michael Nau is one of the most interesting and unique songwriters working in America today.

His unique blend of traditional American folk, with psychedelic soundscapes that echo Pink Floyd and others, make him stand out among his contemporaries.

Nau’s 2017 album, Some Twist, is one of his strongest albums and features some of his most diverse and accomplished songs.

His brooding baritone voice on Good Thing, I Root and Wonder inspire feelings of nostalgia, but without slipping into bitter longing that makes him feel immediately familiar and unique.

Nau’s voice is at the forefront in most of the songs, but the rich textures made up of piano, acoustic guitar, drums, synths, bells and the occasional saxophone, give these songs a very full and accomplished feel.

Done Wonder is where the album’s psychedelic sound stands out the most, with bells and synths droning in the background while Nau’s vocals are manipulated with added reverb, echo and many other effects.

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On some of tracks like Oh, You Wanna Bet? and Light That Ever, Nau is accompanied by other vocalists in the chorus; these are subdued but add harmony and expand even more on the already rich and layered songs.

These layers and textures never become overwhelming or self-indulgent, rather they are in perfect balance with the singer’s voice and makes repeat listens of the album rewarding and worthwhile.

With all his vintage influences from Roy Orbison to Pink Floyd, Nau throws the listener right back in time with a beautiful modern take.

Some Twist feels like an effortless achievement.

For the most part, the album sounds more like Nau sat down on his porch with his guitar and started playing, with others slowly joining him rather than a grand production made in a studio with complex and expensive equipment – and that’s its greatest strength.



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