Rubbish dump in Seventh Avenue angers residents

The dump creates a terrible stench and has produced tepid pools of water.

WEB HEADLINE: Dump on Seventh Avenue

An open area at the corner of Seventh Avenue and Ninth Street is being used as a dumping site.

The area is littered with refuse, such as beer bottles, plastic containers and even discarded furniture.

Residents say they see people dump garbage in the area every day and very little is done about it.

The dump creates a terrible stench and has produced pools of water.

Residents say the area gets partially cleaned up, but then returns to its previous state the next day.

Residents ask that the metro monitor the area and erect a fence to help curb the polluting.

Ward Clr Dean Stone says the site is unacceptable and that something needs to be done.

Stone says he will ask the metro for a fence to be erected around the area and ask that police take more urgent action when they spot people dumping.

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