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Metro shares safety tips for children between four and nine years

Parents were urged to teach their children not to talk to or follow strangers.

Kwatsaduza – Parents and guardians are urged to protect their children against human traffickers.

In a statement released by the metro, safety tips for children aged between four and nine years were shared.

Parents were urged to teach their children not to talk to or follow strangers.

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Ekurhuleni metro spokesperson Themba Gadebe says children should not take money or sweets from a stranger.

“They must speak out if they suspect a friend is mixing with the wrong people, especially strangers.

“Children must scream if a stranger touches them or holds their hand.

“They must always be aware of everything around them.

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“Urge children to always remember the safety tips they were taught at home.

“Lastly, they must always tell an adult when something feels wrong or makes them uncomfortable,” he adds.

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