
Why it is important to vote

Nothing will change if you don't vote.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you will have noticed that the elections are coming up.

Some are happy about it, some are annoyed, but I would say, the majority of us are confused.

I know I am.

We are not in a great place as a country, but there don’t seem to be any viable candidates either.

Many I have spoken to have already decided they are not voting.

That sort of apathy is something especially common among the youth.

I’m not going to tell you you should vote, but it would be a great idea.

If you can’t pick anyone, then spoil your ballot.

Enough spoiled ballots sends a message to the powers that be that we have no faith in their ability to rule.

Also, it might be hard to get your head around, but there are still countries in the world where people don’t have the ability to vote.

It’s a right and privilege that some died for.

Nothing will change if you don’t vote.

Some go so far so to say, if you don’t vote, you can’t complain.

As of today, there were 26 048 323 registered voters in the country.

Of this number, 14 350 777 were women and 11 697 546 were men.

The most active age group for men and women were people aged between 30 to 39, who were over three million for each gender.

Not surprisingly, the age group that had the least amount of voters is 18 to 19 year olds.

There were 95 101 female voters and 74 437 male voters.

Why the lack of interest?

I can’t tell you, but it could just be that they are just not interested or they lack the knowledge about voting procedures or the parties involved.

There are those who will vote based on their past voting history and will be loyal to their chosen party.

Others will want change and decide to vote for someone else.

I can’t tell you what to do, but here are my reasons why you should vote.

1. It is your right.

2. You can influence decisions about how the country should be run.

3. It gives you platform to express your political aspirations.

4. It is your opportunity to influence the future of this country.

5. Your voice will be heard.

6. Less than 100 years ago, women could not vote.

7. Your vote could be the one that tips the scale and changes the outcome.

8. You’re standing up for your beliefs and values.

9. It’s something good to do.

10. It doesn’t cost anything.

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