
Always remember that you to must forgive

Many times, when we consider forgiveness it is from a victim point of view. It is a default setting for humans to assume the position of the aggrieved. We have very little trouble remembering the events and actions that led to our heartbreak or pain. We often obsess about the people we claim have hurt …

Many times, when we consider forgiveness it is from a victim point of view.

It is a default setting for humans to assume the position of the aggrieved.

We have very little trouble remembering the events and actions that led to our heartbreak or pain.

We often obsess about the people we claim have hurt us and what great people we are for choosing to forgive them.

Godly …

But shouldn’t forgiveness also extend to the people we have hurt?

Should we equally consider the events where we were the perpetrators?

How much time do we spend thinking about that?

Do we seek forgiveness for our wrongs, or do our perpetrators compensate for our wrongs?

How are we always the victims?

The best way to find peace in all things is to have balance.

I believe one of the reasons many find it hard to forgive is because they forget how much they themselves have been forgiven.

There are people who can never see any wrongdoing in their actions.

Self-righteous, they call it.

The peace of receiving forgiveness persuades one to offer it.

Once you receive it, you understand why another desires it.

Choosing to hold grudges and harbour bitterness, is to me, a clear sign of self-righteousness.

If you knew better, you would choose to plant a better seed.

You choose to forgive knowing that, if you have never been forgiven, you will surely need to be forgiven for something in the future.

Maybe the next time you ponder over how badly someone has hurt you, consider that we have all been wronged, but we have also all been wrong.

We have cried and made others cry.

Forgive, and continue to forgive as you have been forgiven.

We will forever need it.

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