
Community colleges host sports meet to encourage young people to participate in sports

“Registration is open now until November. We accept people who wish to rewrite or improve their matric results,” adds Nkosi.

Duduza – KwaThema and Duduza Community Colleges hosted a sports day to encourage learner participation at Duduza Stadium on Friday.

Martha Nkosi, of student support services (SSS) at KwaThema College, says they want the students to be active, even though they are not typical day scholars.

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“It is harder for them to compete with other schools, so when we get together like this they have the opportunity to play against each other.”

The colleges offer students the opportunity to rewrite their matric, with the help of dedicated staff.

“Registration is open now until November. We accept people who wish to rewrite or improve their matric results,” adds Nkosi.

She says the rewrites service is offered to students who originally wrote their Grade 12 exams in 2014 and before.

They also have separate classes for students who passed Grades Nine, 10 and 11, but are 20 years or older.

“Each student can register for a minimum of one and maximum of six subjects,” explains FET supervisor in KwaThema, Reneilwe Mlangeni.

Interested parties in KwaThema can enquire at Lifa Ifa Secondary School, from Monday to Thursday, after 2.30pm.

In Duduza, the college is run from Iphahamiseng Primary School, explains Rainy Sibanyoni, the principal.

Nombulelo Mphahane, SSS for Duduza, says the applicants need to bring four copies of their IDs and a statement of their results.

“We are available all week long at Iphahamiseng.”

Registration for learners who are currently in Grade 12 and want to rewrite in 2019 will open in January.

“This is a great opportunity, and there is no shame in wanting to do better.

“So we hope they register in numbers.”

For more information in KwaThema, call 011 737 7031.

In Duduza, call 011 810 2497 (standard call rates apply).

The netball clash ended in 24 goals to 5 in favour of Duduza Community College.

The boys redeemed KwaThema Community College with 5 goals to nil.

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