
Robbers only get away with three items

Security guard fears for his life and opens gate to suspects.

An armed man ordered a security guard on duty at a business at Lead Street Springs to open the gate last Thursday.

The guard was on duty and at 9.15pm, he alleged noticed a brown double cab with no registration number parked outside the premises.

According to Springs police spokesperson, Capt Johannes Ramphora, when the guard went to investigate he was confronted by an armed man.

The man allegedly spoke isiZulu to the guard and because the guard feared for his life he opened the gate.

“It is believed five suspects were involved, and they took the guard to the guard room where he was instructed to lie down,” says Ramphora.

The guard claims the armed suspect demanded keys for the trucks parked on the premises and he told them the keys were locked inside the manager’s office.

Ramphora says two cellphones, a torch and tools were taken.

No shots were fired.

Police are investigating a case of business robbery.

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