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House completely destroyed in fire

Fire destroyed a Selection Park house.

A house in Yvonne Street, Selection Park would probably be demolished after it was destroyed by a fire on Monday afternoon.

Part of the roof structures collapsed, and the wooden floors were completely destroyed.

All the furniture were destroyed in the fire.

“The cause of the blaze, which was only noticed at around noon on Monday, is under investigation,” says William Ntladi, Ekurhuleni Disaster and Emergency Management Services (DEMS) spokesperson.

Fire fighters from both Selection Park and Springs Central fire stations responded promptly after receiving the complaint of a house on fire.

The damage was intense as the wall of the structure had already cracked with the possibility of collapsing.

Ntladi says nobody was in the building at the time of the fire.

According to Trevor Plumstead (74), who was at the office situated at the back of the property, he had seen flames coming from the main bedroom.

My house was completely destroyed,” says Maggie (64), Tervor’s wife.

What once was a kitchen is no only a collapsed roof and burned units.

She says the emotional sadness is the worst experience as sentimental items had been lost in the fire.

A Christmas gift which was hidden under a bed in a spare room was the only item saved from the fire.

“The best way to handle the situation is to look forward as we will probably have to demolish the building and start rebuilding our home.

“But we are waiting for the structural and content assessors to give us the the values to work on,” says Maggie.

The Plumstead family is grateful for all the support since the fire.

“The kindness everyone showed is amazing,” says Maggie.

Selection park Fire Station fireman Abednego Khumalo is spraying the last smoldering parts in the house at Yvonne Street, Selection Park. The house caught fire on Monday afternoon.

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