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Springs woman’s allegations of a patient drinking her blood at FERH are unfounded

Hospital denies allegations about patient drinking an outpatient's blood.

Yolanda Coetzee was shocked when she saw a patient apparently drinking her blood when she recently visited Far East Rand Hospital (FERH) as an outpatient.

She blames hospital staff for not having control of their patients.

When Coetzee visited the hospital she claims the nurses took blood samples.

“I have a blooming stomach ulcer which needed to be checked,” she says.

While waiting, she claims a patient took the sample of her blood and drank it.

She says the doctor on duty apparently just laughed about the incident, which she claims left her speechless.

“I had to have more blood drawn and both my arms are bruised,” says Coetzee.

FERH spokesperson, Hendrik Buda, confirms Coetzee did recently visit the hospital.

According to their records, Coetzee was seen by a casualty doctor on duty but she was referred to a surgical doctor.

The surgical doctor confirms he saw Coetzee and according to hospital records blood was only drawn once.

“We cannot confirm the allegation about the patient drinking her blood, as there are no eye witnesses or records to support this,” says Buda.

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