
Heartfelt thoughts of a child protection worker

Sanet van Moerkerken submitted this poem, written by an anonymous author:

I do not work in child protection for fortune

Or to be remembered in the annals of history;

Rather I take on this burden so that a child

May have a better life story;

My job is not rewarded with medals or gold,

It is the thought of a child who may rest his head

Peacefully at night to which I hold;

Hours are long and emotions are burdened

By knowledge of things no child’s eyes should see;

I cannot undo the pain,

I can only promise

To do my all to make it what has been, not what will be;

As I look back on my many years, I realise

That experience comes with the weight of memory,

Therefore those heartbreaking cases I have seen

Cannot be lifted from me;

Though recognition or appreciation are fleeting desires of the ego,

Those selfish thoughts must pass quickly as off to another crisis I go;

Please know, respected members of our community,

That I and my brothers and sisters who share this common cause

Will always fight to make the abuse of a child not what will be, but what was.


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