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CPF arranges Easter egg hunt

The Selpark CPF arranged an Easter egg hunt for less fortunate children at the Selpark Primary sports field in Selection Park on Sunday.

Patsy Taljaard, a member of the fundraising division of the CPF, says the day was a major success.

“We invited the children of Chance Children’s Home as well as Potters Haven, but unfortunately Potters Haven’s children were too ill to attend the day,” says Patsy.

The theme for the day was ‘superheroes’.

She explains that 85 children from Chance Children’s Home were able to enjoy the festivities.

“This is the second year we have arranged the hunt and the children knew how the programme works and were able to fall in quite easily.”

• Read: Deepavali Give a Tray handover to Chance Children’s Home

After the children stormed the gardens and grounds in an excited search for Easter eggs, they were each given a hard-boiled egg to paint any way they pleased and which they could take home afterwards.

The children were treated to popcorn, cool drinks and many more fun treats throughout the day.

“Last year, we painted the children’s hands and made handprints on cardboard, but this year, in keeping with the theme, we put paint on the ground that the children stepped in and made footprints on cardboard.

“The idea of this was to say to the child, ‘Walk with me’, taking the hand of a child and taking leadership,” says Patsy.

The Elite Warriors motorcyclists from Springs arrived on their bikes and gave the children rides, much to their delight.

Patsy explains that Chance Children’s Home’s bus recently broke down, but that the home was set to receive it a few days prior to the Easter egg hunt.

“I received a call from one of the staff from the home saying they won’t be able to bring the children as the bus is not fixed yet and they have no other mode of transport.

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“I immediately asked CPF members if they could sponsor diesel for our private bus and went to collect the children for the fun day.

“One can almost not believe the impeccable manners these children have – it truly is amazing.”

Patsy says they had a lot of toddlers and small children at the event, as a few of the younger children from an orphanage in Pretoria are now at Chance Children’s Home.

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