
Robbers terrorise couple with axe and knife

A man was assaulted with an axe and a knife during a house robbery in Welgedacht, last Tuesday, at around 3am.

Capt Johannes Ramphora, spokesman for the Springs police, says the man’s wife woke up, wanting to go to the bathroom, and saw three suspects standing next to her bed.

“They asked her where she was going and she answered to the bathroom,” says Ramphora.

“Two of the suspects were armed with a firearm and a fourth suspect entered the bedroom armed with an axe.”

• Read: Springs man axed to death by his cousin

The woman was allegedly assaulted with an open hand while her husband was hit with the back of the axe and stabbed with the knife.

“The suspect stabbed the man with the knife and demanded cash.”

The suspects filled the children’s school bags with tekkies and jeans and allegedly fled the scene with R30 000 in cash, two plasma TVs, four cellphones and a set of car keys.

• Also read: Police officer attacked by man with axe

Springs police are investigating a case of house robbery.

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