
Metro controls aggressive hyacinth invasion

Following numerous complaints about the hyacinth which is becoming a problem at the dam in Dersley, the metro has given this comment.

Metro spokesman Themba Gadebe says their Environmental Resources Management Department has deployed the wetlands attendants team to regularly spray the hyacinth with herbicide to stop it from spreading.

Read: Hyacinth take over Dersley dam

“The herbicide spraying has been interrupted by the recent rains, but the team makes use of all the favourable weather conditions as and when they present themselves,” he says.

The hyacinth full in bloom at the dam in Dersley before the metro started with its herbicide treatment to eradicate the plant.
The hyacinth full in bloom at the dam in Dersley before the metro started with its herbicide treatment to eradicate the plant.

In the next few weeks the team will remove the hyacinth from the dam once it has dried up.

“The work at the Dersley dam will continue until the hyacinth cover is kept at an acceptable level,” says Gadebe.

Read: Clean-up will cause odours

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