
Rape case withdrawn against prominent businessman

A prominent Springs businessman, who cannot be named, gave a sigh of relief after his lawyer informed him that the rape case pending against him had been withdrawn in the Bronkhorstspruit Magistrate's Court on Friday.

The case was withdrawn under the instruction of the public prosecutor, Rikus Kriel.

The man was accused of allegedly raping a 14-year-old boy on June 4 and was arrested at his house in Springs on July 16.

Read: Springs businessman accused of raping boy (14)

“Without further comment, we are relieved,” says the businessman.

According to the clerk of the court, Linah Nalepale, the businessman didn’t appear in court on Friday but was informed by his lawyer about the withdrawal of the case.

Nalepale gave no reason as to why the case was withdrawn.

Read: Local businessman in court on an alleged rape charge

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