
Metro waits for quotations for Markville elevator

The metro has responded to a recent complaint by residents of Markville flats about their elevator being out of order for nine months.

Residents living in the metro complex are all senior citizens of 60 years and older. They have to climb up as many as five flight of stairs, while carrying their groceries, because of the elevator being out of order.

After months of asking for comment from the metro, Themba Gadebe, metro spokesman, responded.

Read: Markville residents ‘trapped’ in – desperately need help

The Department of Human Settlements apologises to the tenants for the inconvenience experienced due to the lift being out of order.

“We are doing all that we can within the prescript of the law to have those lifts repaired,” says Gadebe.

The Bid Awarding Committee (BAC) did not approve the reports submitted by the department on November 21 to have the elevator manufacturers do repairs based on their cost.

Read: LISTEN: Markville complex without elevator for six months

The BAC is of the view that the repair costs are equivalent to the installation of a new elevator, hence they have recommended that an open tender be advertised to which all interested parties can respond.

“We are currently requesting quotations to make the lifts functional until the new tender is adjudicated and approved for the replacement of the lifts,” says Gadebe.

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