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Lion attack victim’s fighting spirit inspires

Jayden is excelling in school and inspiring others, after he was attacked by a lion in October.

After being attacked by a lion, Jayden Swanepeol (9) from Laerskool WK du Plessis, showed a real fighting spirit and quickly bounced back.

“He’s doing incredibly well,” says his mother, Sonja Swanepoel.

Read: Jayden (9) speaks about being attacked by a lion

Jayden was bitten on the throat by a 14-month-old lion, while on vacation with his family at the Letaba River Lodge in Tzaneen; during the school holidays in October.

Sonja says that the school welcomed him back with open arms and that all of the staff, especially his teacher Louisa van den Heever Pretorius, were incredibly supportive.

“His friends also really helped him process the incident, as talking truly is the best medicine – and he tells everyone,” she says.

Read: It’s unanimous, Springsites want lion hunting banned

Despite the traumatic experience, he excelled at school this quarter and earned a trophy for the best achievement for first language in Grade Two, plus medals for the best achievement in life orientation and for first additional language.

Sonja says that Jayden has taught her and her husband a great deal about life, during the past few months.

“You must never lie down, no matter how heavy the load; or how bad things get. You hold your head up high and take it day by day,” is the motto the family now lives by.

“I still struggle a bit.

“It was so close to our lives becoming completely empty.

“It’ll stay with me forever,” she concluded.

According to Sonja, the lodge made contact a few weeks ago to see how Jayden was doing – and invited the family back for a visit next year.

Jayden’s name means God has heard and his mother firmly believes that God has a big plan for her son.

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