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Tips to prevent home invasions

Over the past few months, house robberies have drastically increased in many areas in Springs.

Amanda Greybe, spokesperson for the Springs Police, says they have definitely noticed an increase in these home invasions.

“We are busy initiating a campaign where we will visit the most hard-hit areas in Springs where house robberies occur the most, to raise awareness and warn residents of the possible danger,” she says.

In light of these occurrences, we thought these seven tips may come in handy to attempt to prevent a home invasion happening to you.

Please note that these are not fool-proof and does not by any means permanently secure your safety. You should still always be aware and cautious.

• Needless to say, keep all doors and windows locked when you are away and at night.

• If you can, install heavy-duty locks on all doors as well as window security devices.

• If you don’t have one yet, install a peephole in the door before opening the door at all times. Home invaders strike when you least expect it.

• In the case of a suspicious stranger appearing at your door, do not open and immediately call the police or relevant CPF members.

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• Train your family on an exit strategy in the case of an intruder, and practise this a couple of times.

• Never leave windows open so that prospecting intruders have a clear view inside your home.

• Install a panic button in a few rooms in the house. If you feel unsafe, reach it, press it and hide.

If any of these and other means failed and an intruder makes it into your home, never fight with them over valuables or possessions, as your life is more important.

Always remember, robbers or intruders do not dress as such, they do not always where masks and do not ‘just look like a robber’. They can wear decent clothes and have polite manners, don’t be fooled by looks.

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