
Fudge in the pooh!

I acquired a taste for dassie bones this week.

Sjoe! I was in deep doo-doo this week.

Mom went off in the car saying “I won’t be long Fudges”.

Ghah! She always says that – even if she knows she’s going to be very long indeed.

I looked around for somebody to talk to.

Alpha and Charl were at work.

My boy Luan had gone off to write exams – which just left Em.

She was in the garage sewing.

Barking boring!

Mom had plonked my old baskie in the garage before she left, on the off-chance I felt like hanging with Em.

I didn’t.

Took my furry bod up the stairs.

Nosed the door open into Luan’s room.

Hmmm… what a tip!

No wonder he’d closed the door this morning.

Stuff was all over the place.

There was a delicious smell coming from a little table – jumped up to have a look.

My ticklytoenails –bones!

Why ever does he keep bones here?

Such delightful smelling ones too.

Gave them the nose.

Ooops. Accidentally they fell off the little table and scattered all over the tiles.

Oh oh.

Better make a plan and remove these before I get caught out.

Gathered them up in my chops and took them off to mom’s room.

A bit later mom came home.

Greeted her at the door with a great big butter-would-never-melt-in-my-mouth grin and threw in an energetic tail wag for good measure.

She suspected nothing.

Much later Luan came home.

I tried another one of those grins, but in the process one of the bits that I had been savouring slipped between my fangs onto the floor.

Luan pounced on it.

He howled.

Fudge! Nooooo!

Then dashed upstairs and came charging down again in a fat snit bellowing that his dassie skull was missing.

So that’s what those bones were.


Mom starting freaking out too.


You mean you left that revolting smelly skull where Fudges could eat it.

What happens if she gets sick?

And what about all those sharp teeth?

You better hope she did not eat it.

I burped. Those fangs were just lovely too.

Luan charged around the house looking for his precious skull.

Only a few fragments remained.

Mom joined in the search.


Luan gave me a poke.

How could you eat my lovely stuff?

He asked.

Looked at him sheepishly… so put it in a higher place next time.

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