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Beggar asks motorists for R60-million #OnlyinSprings

“I want R60-million,” reads the placards of Desmond Maxabela (27), who was found standing at the robots on the corner of Nigel and Coaton roads, in Selcourt.

Desmond, who was wearing the sandwich boards around his neck, was first seen on Tuesday afternoon, standing in the middle of the road, in full view of every motorist, explains that he is trying to get funding for a business idea he has.

“I want to start an investment company,” he says, “so that people in the townships can benefit from it.

“The government has promised us so many jobs and opportunities for employment and education, but where are they?”

Desmond explains that he has made a decision to stand at the robots until he is able to get the help he needs for his proposed business.

“I have plans to go to the Union Buildings in Pretoria, and to camp outside until someone notices and offers to fund my idea,” he adds.

Clr Shadow Shabangu says he first saw and spoke to Desmond on Tuesday afternoon, and cautioned him not to violate public property or to tear down any placards that have already been put up.

Desmond had also used white paint to write on the poles that are situated on the sidewalks.

“He was tearing down some of the placards that have been put up by a political party and using them to write on,” says Shabangu.

“I warned him that, should he continue to vandalise public property, he would find himself in trouble with the law.

“I also took down some of his placards.”

Desmond, however, says he is not going to be intimidated by any police officials, because he feels he is exercising his prerogative to express himself.

“The only thing I fear more than the police is the corruption that is eating at our country,” he says.

“Why should I obey the law when the people who are supposed to lead us in government have no regard for it?”

“The government is doing nothing for our people and I am taking a stand that will financially liberate the less privileged.”

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