
Unkempt park is bad for business

Selection Parks business owners, Joyce (60) and Steven (60) Munsamy, are complaining about the state of the park across their business on Oppenheimer Road.

“We have been operating our business from this park for about two years now and the state of the park is still as appalling as it was when we started,” says Joyce.

The business owners explain that the grass hardly ever gets cut or maintained and when it does, the cut grass is left there to dry, which leaves the area more unkempt in the process.

“Another problem we have is the excess of public drinking that happens on a daily basis,” says Steven, “day in and day out, there are people who sit at the park and drink, irregardless of who is watching.”

The park is said to be a public gathering place for some of the residents and passersby, who braai and have parties, then go on to leave the park full of litter and refuse.

“Once in a while the police will come here and confiscate the alcohol bottles of the public drinkers,” says Joyce, “but what is the point if there is a bottle store situated right across the park?”

The Munsamys are concerned about the effect that the environment surrounding their business will have on customers.

“We feel that the by-laws must be enforced by both police officials and the Metro alike,” says Steven, “we simply cannot go on like this.”

We have forwarded questions to the Metro and are awaiting a response.

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