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You know – I have not been such a well doglet lately.

Remember a few months ago I had a hissy fit when Mom was in Cape Town (Granma was sick) and Em helped me to write the blog?

Well, since then I have had a lot of those hissy fits – like 10 or so.

Seems like they are epileptic fits – grand mal seizures to put it in human terms.

Although it’s pretty much the same thing for us doglets.

We just can’t swallow our tongues like people can.

Just as well because nobody really likes to put their hands anywhere near our gnashing fearsome fangs when we get into full blown hissy-fit state.

I shake, shiver and froth at the mouth and sometimes I even piddle a bit – which is a tad embarrassing.

Especially on one occasion when I happened to be on the bed at the time.

Mom had to do a major wash.

Once I even had a hissy fit when mom was out – but luckily Em and I were watching TV on the chairs in the lounge and she was there to hold my paw and says “It’s okay Fudgie, it’s okay”.

In between (they are anything from eight days to two weeks apart) I get these petit mal seizures.

Lots of them.

It’s a bit like hiccoughing, or catching flies, several times a day.

Those are okay as long as I am not under the bed and don’t bash my head.

We are trying to avoid going on medication because of the side effects plus I had enough pills last year to sink a ship.

As long as I don’t get the biggies closer together, I’m good.

But enough about all that – do you peeps know that I am actually a famous hound?

I have a profile on Facebook and you can visit and be my friend if you like.

You could even post me pics of your doglets and moglets and talk to me.

I do sometimes share the space with that Ralph – although he tends to pose a bit and becomes obnoxious when he’s had his photo posted.

Mom also posts links to my blogs every week – so if you missed one – you could catch up no problem.

We’d love to hear from you.

Here’s the link to make it easy.

Just put your paw on it and push!

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