
Homeless man dies after being hit by car

Crossing Fourth Avenue in Geduld, cost a homeless man his life.

A man was knocked down by a motorist in Fourth Avenue, Geduld just after 6.40pm yesterday (March 15).

It is believed the man, only known as Piet, crossed the road and was hit by a motorist.

The Springs police and the Geduld CPF were on the scene to assist with the accident and the traffic.

CPF members called for an ambulance and when the paramedics arrived they declared the man dead on the scene.

The man’s body was only removed about three hours after the accident.

The driver of the vehicle immediately stopped after his vehicle collided with the homeless man.

According to CPF members the paramedics treated the driver for shock.

Capt Johannes Ramphora, place spokesman, wasn’t available for comment.

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