
New Office

When all the kids moved back home this year Mom decided to move her office… yet again.

Remember last year when I was sick, she moved from having a whole room to having a desk in the corner of the lounge, so that yours truly did not have to schlep up the stairs twenty times a day.

Although, hmm….. now that I think of it, she was probably more saving her own self because she used to have to carry me up the stairs.

She still had half her stuff in her old office and the rest was perched in the corner of her desk and in a few box shelves.

Shame – that was true love – she really used to enjoy having an office all to herself.

I liked my desk in our office too – could sit and spy on the neighbours and draw dog-nose-art on the window.

When the kids decided to come and live with us all her arty and sewing stuff in the office had to relocate.

Mom was having a bit of a dip in health when she moved it and she still can’t find some things.

They are stashed under the bed, in the passage and on bookshelves all over the house.

Due to the fact that we would all come and go and chat to her often when we were hanging out in the kitchen, she decided that perhaps her desk had to relocate out of the corner of the lounge if she was to get some work done.

And so it did… to a corner of our bedroom!

This is a grand improvement.

Instead of me having to perch on the couch I can now loll on the bed and supervise that she does all she should.

Sometimes I even share the bed with that wretched Ralphie, although he’s not a very good supervisor.

He tends to sleep on the job.

Even better, when the thunder dog roars I don’t have to squish my way in under Mom’s mingy desk – I can now repair under the bed and cower in style.

I can, once more, spy on the neighbours – the balcony door is always open and I can come and go as my furry heart desires.

Plus, if I snooze at the right angle, I can see into the passage and keep dibs on that Em as well.

Not too shabby at all.

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