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JKS Karate goes to Durban

Mandi Botha (13) and Laetitia Venter (32) from the JKS Karate Academy in Springs competed in the Gauteng Karate championships on February 20 and were selected to compete in the Karate South Africa National Championships in Durban.

The two local residents form part of the Ekurhuleni karate team and will travel to Durban to compete in the championships on March 18 and 19.

Six students from JKS competed in the competition and Carla Verster, the club manager, says all the students did well.

Mandi competed in the 12-13-year-old Kumite division and was placed third.

Laetitia, who suffers from mild dementia, competed in the disabled division in both Kata and Kumite and was placed first and second respectively.

Carla says the difference between the two divisions is that Laetitia’s division is not as strict with the points system.

The competition, which was held at the Orlando Stadium in Soweto, saw competitors from Johannesburg, Pretoria and the East Rand fighting for a chance at being selected for the Gauteng team.

Laetitia, who has been doing karate for only four years, says she is looking forward to the competition next month and is preparing by ensuring she does karate every night.

“I really hope that Mandi and I both get a gold medal at the competition,” says Laetitia.

There aren’t many people who compete against Laetitia in Gauteng, so she is hoping for more competitors in Durban.

“My sensai knows my limits but she pushes me to do my best, so I am confident about the competition,” says Laetitia.

Mandi, who will be competing in the Kumite division, says she is confident about the upcoming competition.

“I’m very excited about the competition and proud that I was selected,” says Mandi.

The two karate champs ensure they are at every karate practice to prepare themselves for the competition.

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