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Tremor shakes through Springs

A tremor rocked Springs in the early hours of this morning (Wednesday).

Allan Neil from Geduld Extension says he felt the tremor at around 3.30am when it “shook the whole house”.

“It sounded like someone was running on the roof,” he says.

It is not yet clear what magnitude the tremor was, but so far people felt the tremor in Springs, Brakpan and Benoni.

In August 2014, Springs was also struck by a tremor with a magnitude of 5.2.

Residents responded to a question on the Addie’s Facebook page on whether they felt the tremor:

  • Angelique Smith: “Yip, 3.27am this morning.”
  • Wessel Venter: “Yes, it shook my house bad.”
  • Magda Pienaar: “I felt it. This morning at around 3.25am.”
  • Lucile Swanepoel: “Ja, ons het dit gevoel in Brakpan. Dit het almal in die huis wakker gemaak net na 3vm.”
  • Cherise Loock: “Ek dit ook gevoel. Was so net na 3vm in New State Area.”
  • Angela Mcguinness: “Yes, I felt it in Krugersrus around 3.20am.”
  • Elize Herbst: “Ja, omtrent 3.30vm. Dit het my diere mal gemaak.”
  • Amanda Stander: “Didn’t feel anything this time. Hate the feeling.”
  • Sindy Herbst: “Nope didn’t feel anything and I was up at that time.”
  • Lynette Britz: “Yes, in Selection Park. Files fell off shelves.”
  • William Botes: “Ja, in Minnebron vroeg vanoggend, maar het dit nie erg gevoel nie.”
  • Elsie Kruger: “Yes, we did and we’re in Geduld.”
  • Doreen Visser: “We had one about 3.30am. I was so scared.”
  • William Botes: “Dit het meer gevoel soos dinamiet wat geskiet word ondergronds.”
  • Meredith Pollock: “Nope, I was out for the count at that time, a bomb could have gone off and I probably would have missed it.”
  • Tunica-Che’ Coetzee: “I did not feel a thing in Brakpan Central.”
  • Anna-Marie Pretorius: “Yes, just after 3am this morning.”
  • Ilze Pottas: “Ek dog dis iemand wat inbreuk. Het so geskrik, ek het almal wakker geskree.”
  • Lisa Volbrecht: “Het dit beslis gevoel. Die hele dak het geskud, maar ek het geen idee hoe laat dit was nie.”
  • Marile du Plessis: “Het dit beslis ook gevoel, die hele huis se vensters het geruk in Brenthurst.”
  • Bianca Schoultz: “Yes, we did and it was felt in Benoni.”

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