
SAPS – damned if they do, damned if they don’t

Well done Springs SAPS!

After I read the comments on the Advertiser’s Facebook page about the Edelweiss dagga bust by the Springs police, I couldn’t believe my eyes.

How people were complaining, it was disgusting!

People said the police have better things to worry about and that they should go after real criminals.

I mean, come on! They had a child, a small toddler living among dagga plants and I don’t know what else.

How is that child going to grow up? A next generation dagga dealer?

How will this then be tackled and minimised?

The police did an excellent job of busting those people.

What many people obviously don’t realise is that this is where it all starts and then people go out to find harder drugs.

If it comes out that someone was using drugs and distributing them, then people complain the police are not doing their jobs.

When the police are doing a fantastic job, people still find something to complain about.

One less drug dealer, dagga or not, off the streets is a victory in every way.

I say again, well done Springs SAPS!

Lara McKenzie


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