
Magical fibres of joy.

The other day we all got up, like we normally do. Except I knew it was a Saturday because the sun was already shining by the time I got my breakfast.

This means walk day.

Let’s go, said Alpha.

I bounded to the door.

Nope Fudgie-wena – not you, said mom.

What do you mean NOT ME?

Of course me, who else are you going to walk?

But we are going shopping, said mom.

We are not going walking.

You are hobbling on that front leg because it’s so cold.

We’ll go tomorrow when it is supposed to be warmer.

Hop up on the couch and be nice and cozy.

She kissed my nose and whispered, I’ll bring you back a treat.

Hopped onto Alpha’s chair instead.

He gave me the evil eye.

I’m shedding at the moment.

Big time.

Mom converted something she’d read on Facebook to apply to me.

It goes like this…

“I, Fudgie-wena do not shed. I emit magical fibres of joy. Mom now has a magic carpet, couch, duvet… ”

We are not sure if it’s just sheddy season or if this is a result of being sick.

We’ll see Dr Dean soon for a checkup and ask.

So anyway, off they went.

They came back with lots of bags.

When mom goes shopping alone she deposits the bags just inside the front door, so I get an opportunity to nose around and see what’s good.

But that Alpha just carries them all straight into the kitchen and dumps them on the counter.

Ralph was lounging on the counter waiting for pellets to magically appear in his bowl.

Mom hauled out a packet and opened it up.

Ah ha – my treat!

She gave me a morsel of that delicious meaty stuff.

Scarfed it down, then licked my chops to make sure I had not missed any bits.

To my intense horror, she gave Ralphie some too.

I gasped and nudged her with my nose.

Oi! Don’t waste any on him.

She wagged her finger… fair’s fair Fudges.

Ralph smirked on the counter top.

I sat drooling.

She put more in my bowl.

Saw out of the corner of my eye that she gave that cat more too.

They unpacked everything and went onto the stoep.

I lurked in the lounge waiting for Ralphie to descend… then pounced.

I slurped his face clean.

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