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Stay safe and avoid hijackings

Hijackings are a constant threat to motorists.

Captain Johannes Ramphora, spokesman for the Springs police, says they receive many cases of hijackings in and around Springs.

“Most incidents happen between 9.30pm and 2am, but we have also had a few cases where it happens around 6am, when people are leaving for work,” he says.

He adds that they rarely get reports of hijackings during the day, but that motorists should still be vigilant.

Here are a few safety tips to keep in mind:

  • Stay alert

Be vigilant at all times and be aware of your surroundings.

  • Mix up your routes

Mix up your routes to throw off potential criminals who could be following you.

  • Get an electric gate

Many hijackings happen as you arrive at your house. Electric gates can help you get in and out safely.

  • Watch out for suspicious vehicles

If you are being followed, drive to the nearest police station, do not go home.

  • Space between cars

Keep enough space between your car and others to avoid becoming an easy target for hijackers, and to be able to make a speedy getaway.

  • Get to know your neighbours

Be aware of the cars your neighbours drive. This will help to identify any unknown vehicles in your area.

  • Scout for danger

Adopt a search pattern radius to scout before approaching your home.

  • Adjust speed when stopping

Adjust your speed, especially at night, when approaching a traffic light so that you do not have to come to a complete stop.

  • Avoid eye contact

Don’t make eye contact, but try to remember specific features.

  • Stay calm

When confronted by a hijacker, stay calm and do not make any sudden movements.

  • Don’t argue

In order to avoid any violence, don’t argue with your hijacker.

  • Escape if you can

Try to get away from the situation as soon as possible. Always remember, your life is worth more than your car.

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