
Treat us like human beings

I am writing this letter to ask everyone one simple question.

Why is it that people are so prejudiced towards the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community?

You don’t see the LGBT community being prejudiced towards straight people.

The other thing that frustrates me is that people say “gay people are an abomination and are going to hell”.

But what they don’t realise is they are just as “bad” because they are judging, which is not for them to do.

You don’t see gay people saying they can only be friends with gay people, but you see a lot of straight people doing it all the time.

You don’t see the LGBT community shoving their lifestyle choice on straight people, so why do you do it to them?

The LGBT community is not any different to straight people.

It doesn’t mean they are evil and out to corrupt minds but people still think that.

All LGBTs would just like to be treated like a human beings, we are no different, we still have feelings.


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