

Over the last few months I reckon I’ve tasted just about every good thing there is to taste.

In the beginning, mom gave me all the usual stuff to try and disguise the pills.

I snarfed them down without a thought.

Then when I finally realized that I was being fed all sorts of medicine disguised as snacks, I started being a bit more discerning.

I would lightly chew the offering, swallow it down and spit the pills out.

Of course this meant mom would pick the pills up off the floor and I would get another delicious morsel with pills inside.

Which I would again spit out and so it went.

Sometimes mom would get a rather frustrated and speak to me in capital letters.

But then she got wise to my nonsense and started feeding me thin slivers of steak with the pills rolled up inside.

The steak was so delicious that I would just swallow it down without a thought.

This lasted for weeks and weeks – they would braai a nice chunk of steak, eat a tiny bit of it and save the rest for me and my pills.

Frankly, people thought my humans were a tad touched in the head.

But by this time we had all invested such a lot of time and effort and cold hard cash in my getting better that they did not blink an eye.

I am their fur-child and they love me.

Well… Alpha always says that mom loves me and he loves mom… but sneakily I know he adores every hair on my furry bod.

As the weeks passed my pills got less.

Then sometimes they would get more again.

Then they would get less.

It became less of a hassle to get them down my gullet and mom stopped lying awake at night trying to figure out ways of fooling me with tasty tidbits.

Then one day she was foofling around on that tik tikky thing of hers and she came across some ideas for healthy dog snacks.

She couldn’t believe that she had not heard of them before.

Cottage cheese! She takes a spoonful and mixes my pills in and then lets me lick it out of her hand.

Eggs! She makes me scrambled egg in the micro for a nice warm morning treat mixed with my pellets.

And my most favourite – baby carrots.

Nice and crunchy.


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