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Medicine shortage could be on the cards

South Africa may be faced by an imminent shortage of medicine.

The Gauteng Department of Health explains why there are medicine shortages and what is being done to facilitate this.

Although there may be a crisis looming, Steve Mabona, spokesman for the department says, “Patients must please report any facility where they are sent away without their medication and we will address the situation immediately.”

According to Mabona, shortages are born from the unavailability of some active pharmaceutical ingredients, without which there can be no manufacturing of medicines.

“Whilst this challenge is being addressed, the depot engages tirelessly with local suppliers,” he says.

The Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committees (CPTC) has been established to advise on therapeutic alternatives.

Mabona adds that contracted suppliers are penalised for late delivery and for the price difference in cases where medicine, which is in short supply, is procured at a price that is higher than the contract price.

“We will continue to work with all stakeholders who have an interest in ensuring that patients are not deprived of their medication and we are collaborating with the Stop Stock Out Campaign to prevent any patient leaving a facility without their medication,” he concludes.

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