
Be alert at the shops

I was recently robbed of a large amount of money while shopping for pyjamas.

While browsing through the clothes, I was approached by two neatly dressed women.

One of them asked me to hold a blouse against her back to see if it would fit.

Like a fool I obliged, and this while the other woman bumped into me and apologised.

After a few minutes I noticed my handbag was open and the money in my purse was gone.

The two neatly dressed women were not in sight.

Needless to say I reported the incident to the shop manager, who told me their surveillance cameras only cover the pay point area.

They therefore couldn’t assist me with this problem at all.

I am wondering, what is the point of these cameras if they only focus on the pay point area and not the rest of the shop?

It is necessary to watch every step and move you make in a shop, as you aren’t even safe there.

Because of what happened to me, I decided I will never ever help anyone, and will never give any donations to anyone.

It is only my point of view and not those of others.

Linda du Plesssis.

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