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Report dog poisonings

Celeste Kleyn from the Springs SPCA says very few people report dog poisonings to the society, and urges residents to do so.

“This is so we can have a record of the number of animals that have been poisoned, which we then report to head office,” she says.

Celeste explains that residents must also report incidents of dog poisonings to police, as it is a criminal offence to poison animals.

“Residents also need to take their dog to the vet to verify the poisoning and get a formal report,” she says.

To keep your dogs safe, Celeste advises residents to keep their dogs out of sight from the street, or in a backyard if possible, and to keep their animals indoors at night.

“If you hear your dogs barking at night, you should investigate the cause,” she says.

“You could get up in the morning and find your dog has been killed.”

She adds that if residents note anything suspicious when investigating the cause of their dogs barking, they should alert their neighbourhood CPF or local police immediately.

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