
Odd balls!

After the first attempt at finding a suitable place to stay, the dog friendly guest house was much better.

It even had a completely enclosed section outside where the lady said that I could stay if necessary.

Mom and I just smirked – I would not be spending any time alone outside, thank you very much.

Alpha went off to do his phissy sissy stuff and left us to explore.

Mom and I checked out all the rooms… all two of them.

The bathroom section and the bedroom/lounge/kitchen section.

Then we read the rules.

Ooopsie Fudges, said mom.

It says here that no dog shall go into the bathroom area under any circumstances.


Why ever not we wondered.

We both went back into the bathroom to see if there was anything special there.

Nope. Not a thing.

There was also a rule that dogs are not allowed on the furniture.

Considering the only furniture was the bed, a table and a very hard chair.

I might have sampled the bed but I can’t get up there by myself. Mom said it was nothing special anyway.

The hard chair was not enticing in any way and I’m more of an under-the-table type of doglet than a dancing on the table hound.

When we’d finished exploring inside, we went outside.

We took my ball with us.

Mom checked out for a safe area and tossed the ball.

We don’t do major throws anymore – I don’t have the energy to go leaping and bounding after them like I used to.

Suddenly she started giggling.

Dashed after my ball and stopped in wonder.

Suddenly there were a whole lot of balls just lying on the ground.

My woggledy whiskers! What now?

I rushed up to one of them… sniff sniff sniffed at it.

Definitely not my ball.

Looked at mom.

What on earth is going on here?

They are not balls Fudges, she said to me.

They are lemons.

They just look like your ball – same colour too.

You could probably eat one.

I nosed around until I found my real ball.

Snatched it up and hightailed it out of there.

Looked at mom with big puppy dog eyes.

It’s not nice to tease your poor sick little doglet like that.

Mom said sorry but I could see that she was not one little bit sorry at all.

The rest of the place was not very interesting.

We went home the next day.

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