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Springs runner wins the Kaapsehoop Marathon

"Inside, I was just yelling at myself, go, go, go!"

Melinda Jansen van Vuuren had every reason to back out of the Kaapsehoop Marathon, which took place on November 6, but against all odds, she finished the marathon in first place with a sub three-hour time.
The 26-year-old from Eastvale previously attempted the run in 2019 but passed out from exhaustion before she could cross the finishing line.
In addition, she contracted Covid-19 earlier in the year and was unable to do as much preparation as she would have had hoped.
The Kaapsehoop was Melinda’s first major marathon, who is a parkrunner at heart. She is now hooked on the feeling and is keen to enter many more in the future.

Also read: Springs Parkrun is back

Melinda Jansen van Vuuren had to give it her all to get over the finishing line.ad:

When did you first start running?
I started to really get into running about four years ago when I was doing the parkrun, and I just fell in love with running. Before that, I competed in a series of small marathons but didn’t take it as seriously as I do now.
What motivates you to run?
My sister, Melissa Jansen van Vuuren. She was a runner before I was and got me involved in this wonderful sport, and it changed my life forever. Running just also improves your life in so many ways and I will never stop doing it.
How did you prepare for the marathon?
I had so many setbacks this year, especially when I got Covid-19, so I couldn’t prepare as much as I wanted to. I ran about 80km a week and participated in spinning classes to keep as fit as possible.
How did it feel when you crossed the finishing line?
It’s almost impossible to describe how great it felt to finish this marathon, and to finish in first place is still almost too hard to believe. I entered in 2019 but passed out not too far from the finishing line, so my main goal was just to finish it this time and not worry too much about where I finished or at what time.

Also read: Running tips from a professional

How do you calm your nerves before the gun goes off and the marathon starts?
I always try and remain positive and don’t allow my emotions to get in the way. But my coach, Ann Ashworth, who was the 2018 Comrades winner, was by my side and helped me to remain focused on the run.
Did you have to pace yourself in a certain way to ensure you made it to the finishing line this time?
I made sure to take it slowly at the beginning and not spend all my energy right away. So for the first 10km, I took it very slowly, especially since that first part of the route is all uphill. Later in the route, it goes downhill and there I was able to pick up the pace a bit. But it still wasn’t easy at all, especially the last 10km or so. I started getting blisters on my feet and it started getting very painful to run, and it was incredibly hot to top it all off. Inside, I was just yelling at myself, go, go, go! So I was relieved when I crossed the finishing line.
Do you plan on competing in more marathons in the future?
Yes, most definitely. I plan on entering a marathon in Benoni next year as well as one in KZN that I am really looking forward to.
Are there people you would like to thank?
Yes, Ann, who guided me through it all. Melissa and Duane Rabie, who are my training partners. And especially my partner, Jannie ‘Jan’ Scheepers, who has been incredibly supportive and has been by my side through it all, especially during the difficult times.

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