Local sportSport

Springs tennis has a rich history

The club has seven courts of which six are usable.

Many Springsites are keen tennis players, and the town has produced some talented players.
However, most of the facilities have closed over the years and the Selection Park Tennis Club is the only remaining club.
The first tennis club in Springs was started around 1910/11 and was situated where the current EMPD offices are located.
In the 1920s, the municipality set aside an area to be dedicated to sports, known as Olympia Park.
The Springs Tennis Club moved to a new clubhouse and courts in Olympia Park.
During this period, all the large gold mines in Springs created their own recreation clubs, catering for all sports, including tennis.

Also read: League at Selection Park Tennis Club gains momentum

During the 30s and 40s, the municipality added several municipal tennis clubs in the suburbs and also helped to subsidise the local country club, which also featured a tennis section.
Three municipal clubs were added to the Springs Club at Olympia Park.
Those clubs were Geduld Extension, Vale Dale and Selection Park.
As the mines started closing down in the second half of the 50s, the number of clubs reduced.
First to close were the Springs Mine, New State Mine, Springs West Mine and Geduld Mine.
In the late 60s and early 70s, gold mines continued to close.
Vogestbruit Club was bought by the Jewish community and was renamed Club Shalom.
The club eventually closed, but the tennis club continued in Selcourt until the early 2000s.

Also read: Tennis club has big plans for 2021

Selection Park was started around 1950 and has operated as a league-playing club continuously since.
The club has seven courts of which six are usable.
Three professionals make use of the courts and anybody wishing to play tennis has only this club to join.
The club has a small but adequate clubhouse and an extended covered deck area with a small spectator’s stand, which was added by the members.
The club has also played annual championships since its inception and has several junior players of high quality due to the professional coaches using the club facilities.

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