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IPS Competition at Pollak Park Golf Club

Golfers in excellent form at Pollak Park Golf Club

Golfers at the Pollak Park Golf Club had two days to prove themselves to be better than the rest.
The club’s IPS Competition was held on Saturday and Sunday, and golfers were ready to win.
In the Saturday edition of the competition, Werner du Toit was just too good and claimed victory with 40 points on count out.
Following behind was DJ Erasmus, also with 40 points on count out.

Also read: Golf Club hosts first Gingers Golf Day since lockdown regulations lifted

Rounding off the top three was Marco McGann with 40 points on count out.
On Sunday, Dave Nagel emerged as the winner with 40 points on count out.
2 Club
Evan MacKenzie, number 17
Bruce Carlyon, number six
Grant Cockeran, number 17
Schalk Bloem, number six.

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