
Relief for family as murderers receive hefty sentence

Family, friends and residents of the retirement home were left in shock when the body of Engela van Wyk was found next to her bed in June 2018.

Two years after the gruesome and senseless murder of a 75-year-old resident of the Rus ‘n Bietjie Old Age Home, justice has been served and the two men responsible for her death will spend many years behind bars.
Family, friends and residents of the retirement home were left in shock when the body of Engela van Wyk was found next to her bed in June 2018.
The pensioner was gagged with a cloth and her hands and feet were tied.
After being found guilty of the elderly woman’s murder, Shaun Oosthuizen (40) and John and Plooy (30) were sentenced in the Springs Regional Court on September 28.

Also read: Elderly woman murdered in old age home in Springs

The sentence has brought some relief and closure to her family who believe justice has finally prevailed.
Elna Barnard (60), Engela’s daughter, said the court case was a grueling experience.
“I decided from the start that I would go to court every single time, no matter how many times the case was postponed.
“I cried my eyes out every time we went to court, but I wanted them to see my mother mattered to someone and she was not just a number.
“I felt like I just could not stay away, I needed to look them in the eyes,” she said.
Elna explained the experience, while traumatic, also helped her grieve and start to heal.
“It does something to you when you think about the fact they were the last faces she saw before she took her last breath.
“I had to confront the loss head on,” she said.

Engela van Wyk was murdered in 2018 while she was a resident of the Rus-‘n-Bietjie Old Age Home.

Elna also revealed she has forgiven her mother’s murderers.
“God helped me forgive Shaun and John, and I feel very sorry for their parents now,” she said, adding she is relieved the pair are off the streets.
Elna and her family were on holiday in KwaZulu-Natal when they received the devastating news of Engela’s death.
“My mother was actually supposed to come with us, but she fell ill a few days before we left,” said Elna.
She described the relationship with her mom as very close and said she misses her terribly.
“There is not a day that I don’t think about her.
“I visited her every day and we went everywhere together.
“Every time I feel like giving up I remember how she always said she would pray to God to give me strength when she leaves this earth,” said Elna.
Shaun Oosthuizen, who was found guilty of robbery with aggravating circumstances, possession of stolen property and murder, received a life sentence for the murder.

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He received 15 years for the robbery charge and five years for possession of stolen property.
John du Ploy was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder and 15 years’ imprisonment for robbery with aggravating circumstances.
The pair will serve their sentences at Modderbee Correctional Facility.
They are due to spend more time in court as they have outstanding criminal charges against them from Springs, Roodepoort, Nelspruit and Alberton.
“As Springs police, we are thrilled by the sentence handed down by the court.
“Such barbaric behaviour against women, especially the elderly, will not be tolerated and has no place in our society.
“We hope the sentences handed down will serve as a deterrence to others who want to commit this type of crime.
“We commend all those involved in this case for their hard work to see that justice was done for the victim and her family,” said Springs police spokesperson Capt Johannes Ramphora.
The SAPS and Engela’s family commended the investigating officer, Det Sgt Raymond Mogashoa.

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