
Truck hijacked in Reedville

Truck crew hijacked, tied up

Police recovered a hijacked truck in Komane Street, Tsakani, last Thursday evening after it was stolen at gunpoint in Reedville earlier that day.
Springs police spokesperson Capt Johannes Ramphora said the truck driver was travelling along San Salvador Street with his crew to a location to move a container.

Also read: Hijacked vehicle recovered

When they arrived, two men appeared and threatened them at gunpoint.
They were ordered into a nearby veld, where they were tied up with cable ties and robbed of their wallets and cellphones.
It is believed that while the gunmen were dealing with the driver and crew, two other accomplices drove off in the truck.
Once the truck had driven off, the gunmen demanded the driver give them the PIN for his bank card and forced him to call his wife and lie that he needed the money to repair a flat tyre.

Also read: Another hijacking on the N12

The value of the truck is R1.4-million.
No shots were fired during the incident, but the driver and his crew sustained bruises to their hands.

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